Bioinformatic Network of Tanzania (BINeT)

The Bioinformatic Network of Tanzania (BINeT) is a network of professionals engaged in bioinformatics research in Tanzania.

Contact the coordinator: 

Aneth David (BSc. LMSc. PhD)

Dr. David is aearly career researcher in biotechnology. She is a lecturer at University of Dar es Salaam where she teaches courses in bioinformatics, agricultural biotechnology and microbiology. She is passionate about open science and science advocacy.

Available for: collaborations

Type of data handling: DNA (NGS), metagenomics, metabarcording (16S, ITS)

Expertise and tools: QIIME2, R

Website: personal website, LinkedIn

Below is a list of bioinformatics professionals in Tanzania

1. Joseph Massawe (BSc. MSc. PhD)

Dr. Massawe is a lecturer in Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the University of Dodoma.

Available for: collaborations, data analysis

Type of data handling: DNA (Sanger sequencing, NGS), RNA

Expertise and tools: R, Linux OS, MEGA


Contact details: 

2. Sai Ngassa (MSc, Ph.D. Cand

Sai Ngassa is a proactive data scientist with expertise in the integration of bioinformatics, data science, biotechnology, and marine sciences. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Biotechnology at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). He is also the managing director of Amberlight Research and Innovation. 

Sai's research focuses on the application of data science for innovative advancements and effective data communication. He actively engages in discussions on #acquaticlife, #environment_bioremediation, #biotechnology, #marinetechnology, and #marineconservation.

Proficiency and data handling: NGS data, metagenomic analyses, metabarcoding (16S and It's), providing profound insights into complex biological systems.

Programming Skills: Demonstrates proficiency in dirty data wrangling and analysis using R and Python.

Availability: Open to collaborative projects and extends expertise for consultations in the field.

Contact Information


Phone: +255768732466

Websites LinkedIn :Sai Ngassa, ORCID 

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